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Persian Handmade Rugs

Tips for choosing a carpet color

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The following guide will help you choose the perfect color rug.

Practical aspects of carpet color

1- You want to make the room look bigger

Brighter carpets make the space look larger, this feature is desirable for many owners of small to medium houses. On the contrary, if you want to make the room look cozy and comfortable, it is better to choose a carpet with darker colors.

2- You want the spots not to be seen

If you have small children, live in a rented house or are a party person, the possibility of your carpet getting stained is high. The question is, what is the best color to hide the stains? If you know that staining is the inevitable fate of your carpet, it is better to choose a carpet with a dark color.

* Guide to choosing the right color for a child’s room carpet


Carpet color selection guide - Carpet Rugs (6)

3- You want the dust not to be seen

You may ask yourself what is the difference between hiding a stain and dust? These two applications are similar in a way, but they also have a fundamental difference. The stain is caused by spilling something on the carpet, but dust and dirt from the accumulation of grease gives the entire carpet a dark, brown shade. A carpet that covers stains well is not necessarily a good option for not getting dirt and not showing dust. Therefore, if you want your carpet not to show dirt and dust over time, choose a multi-colored carpet with a busy pattern. so that the dust is less visible and it is not clear how much the carpet needs to be washed.

Psychology of carpet color

You have probably already become familiar with the effect of carpet color on mood and interpersonal relationships. The fact is that this effect has psychological roots. In this section, we briefly explain the psychology of carpet color, perhaps this introduction will save you from the dilemma of choosing the right color.

  • Everyone knows that red is an exciting and stimulating color, but this explanation is a bit vague. What does red stimulate? There is no definite answer to this question, the emotions that red evokes depend on the environment. However, studies have shown that in addition to making a person excited, the color red also causes physical signs of irritation, such as increased heart rate and faster breathing. Love, struggle and hunger are the emotions that red evokes. Therefore, red color is suitable for bedroom or dining room.
  • Orange has an effect similar to red, but less intense. Orange color creates a lively, warm and welcoming atmosphere. Of course, different shades of orange have different meanings. Orange is rarely used for carpeting, but it can be a fun color for a child’s room or playroom. Dark orange, like red, is suitable for the dining hall.
  • Yellow or gold is the freshest and most energizing color. This color is also considered a symbol of glory and luxury due to its association with money and gold. This golden color is suitable for injecting energy and motivation in the office or for making the living room and playroom fun and pleasant.
  • Green is the color of both life and wealth. The main green and light green colors are a symbol of nature, regeneration and health. Darker greens symbolize wealth and possibly greed. Yellow-green usually has a negative charge and is used to indicate jealousy and illness. Therefore, wherever you want to induce a sense of freshness and natural vitality, spread a light green or original green carpet.
  • Blue is a calming color and a reflection of the sky and the sea. Blue is a symbol of wisdom, trust and loyalty. Blue is the opposite of red, this color slows down the body’s metabolism and has a calming effect. Evidence shows that the color blue helps to relax the mind and body. Blue is a popular color for men. Therefore, use blue color in the rooms you want to have a calm atmosphere. Blue color is not suitable for dining room and kitchen, unless you want to suppress appetite.
  • Purple is a combination of red and blue and symbolizes power, luxury and prosperity. Light purple or lilac evokes feelings of romance and nostalgia, but dark purple evokes negative emotions such as sadness. Purple is an ideal choice for a girl’s bedroom or a study that is supposed to be the seat of power or wealth.
  • Black is a formal color that evokes power, demonic force and mystery. Black or black color reminds of the feeling of emptiness and dark and dark emotions. However, black color in a suitable combination shows dignity and glory. However, be careful when using black color.
  • White is the color of purity and purity. This color awakens a sense of purity and innocence. White is the color of perfection, because it distorts any imperfection and whiteness. With this description, white is a good color, of course, provided you can keep it clean. Keep in mind that cleaning a white carpet is difficult, and a dirty white carpet will not look as good as the first day.
  • Cream or beige and gray are neutral colors. These colors also have a meaning, but they do not awaken strong emotions and feelings and are even considered soothing or boring. Cream and gray are widely used colors that are suitable for any room and coordinate with a wide range of different wall colors.

Carpet color selection guide - Carpet Rugs (6)

Carpet color suitable for gray walls

If your walls are gray, you are free to choose the color. Gray is a neutral color that goes well with any color. Light gray walls make an ideal combination with darker colors such as garlic blue, black and lacquer red. If your walls are gray, you probably want to make the house look bigger, so it’s better to choose lighter colored rugs, such as cream or multi-colored rugs.

* Click to know the types of vintage carpet colors

Carpet color suitable for beige walls

Carpets with soft and bright colors, such as light blue, turquoise and even pink, are an ideal choice for beige walls. The question is, do these colors fit with the rest of the furniture in the house? If you want to be conservative, you can choose your favorite color from the wide range of beige colors, choose a darker or lighter shade than the beige color of the wall to create a pleasant contrast with the color of the wall and neutrality of the environment. to maintain Many multi-colored or patterned and busy carpets are suitable for beige and cream walls.

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