What size carpet is right for my home?

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Carpet is one of the basic elements in decorating Iranian homes. The variety of tastes has led to having different designs and colors for these products. Depending on the type of rooms in which this product is used, we have different sizes of carpets. The variety of carpet sizes is due to their use in different rooms and places. The size of the rugs can make a big difference in the space of the house. Before buying a rug, consider the size of your space.

Carpet selection is based on several important points.

  1. Decorating the room where the carpet will be used.
  2. Dimensions and size of the space used.
  3. Location
  4. Naturally, the carpet used for the bedroom will be different from the model considered for the living room.

Various sizes of carpets are designed to create diversity and creativity in home spaces. carpetnrugs.com is a reliable and effective collection in the field of providing products according to the customer’s opinion and taste.

The right size of carpet for home - Carpet Rugs (1)

In what dimensions are carpets produced?

The use of carpets as flooring in Iran and many other countries has a long history. With the growth of the population and the emergence of the home culture, the dimensions of the buildings and houses caused extensive changes in the size of the carpets. Machine-made and hand-woven carpets are produced and designed in different sizes depending on where they are used.


This carpet model is available in dimensions of 2×3, 2×3.5, 3×3.5, 3×3, 4×3, 3×6, 4×6, 7×5, and 10×6.

One and a half cubes

This carpet pattern has dimensions of 150 x 100 cm.

Sarzan (Kalgi)

This rug pattern comes in various sizes of approximately 1 x 2, 2 x 3 and 6 x 3 and is 1.5 to 2 times as long as it is wide. This type of carpet is mostly seen among tourists and tent dwellers.

Between the carpet or the sides

There are examples of carpets that are used to fill empty spaces.


A carpet or rug pattern with a length of about 100 cm.

Machine carpets

These carpets are available in lengths of 24 meters, 12 meters, 9 meters, 6 meters and 3 meters. Also, circular and round patterns are made and produced in different sizes.

* What is the difference between a rug and a blanket ?

Using carpets with different dimensions

The use of carpets is considered based on the style of decoration and size. Depending on the available space, you can choose the right size of carpet. Unusual decisions destroy the beauty of your space.

Small to medium rooms

If you have a small or medium-sized room or a living area with a floor plan, it is better to use six-meter carpets for the floor so that the backs of the sofas are placed on the edge of the carpet and the room looks more open.

Large open plan rooms

If your room is big, you can use different types of 6 or 9 meter carpets. The carpet you choose should allow the front leg of the sofa to be placed on it and the carpet should not go completely under the sofa.

Long and narrow rooms

If your room is long and narrow, you should use 2×3 carpets. In addition, in this case, it is better if your carpet has symmetrical patterns or is of one color.

Hall and living room

The carpets used in these rooms are usually chosen based on the type of furniture. The types of carpets suitable for small living rooms are usually small carpets. However, if there is a table and chairs in the living room, one-color carpets are used that are designed so that the chair in front of the extended table does not protrude from the carpet. The size of the carpets is considered to be 50 cm more according to the living table.

The right size of carpet for home - Carpet Rugs (1)

The size of the carpet is suitable for small houses

Choosing the right flooring and carpet for small spaces is very important. To choose the right size for these rooms, there are important points to consider.

Density and number of carpet wefts

For small homes and gatherings, choose carpets that are both beautiful and confident. In apartments under 100 square meters, it is better to use carpets with a density of 700 piles. The thickness of these carpets is about 10 mm and they do not lose their beauty with repeated use. In less used rooms, carpets of different sizes with pile density of 1200 can be used.

• Using oval and circular carpets
• Using carpets with a light or neutral background
• Avoid using carpets with central patterns of flowers or bergamot
This example of a carpet with a lively design is not suitable for small spaces.
• Choosing the right dimensions

Suitable carpets for small spaces should be at a suitable distance from the wall. By maintaining this distance between the carpet and the wall, the room appears larger. This means that the carpet used in small spaces should not be the size of the room itself.

Decoration and suitable size of the carpet

The arrangement of objects and colors, as well as the harmony between objects, affects the choice of carpets. In apartments and small spaces, you don’t need to use several carpets as flooring, but you can choose the right carpet based on color and decoration.

The size of the carpet is suitable for large houses

When your living space is large, choosing the right size is very important. Since we have a lot of space in big houses, choosing the right size of carpet is very important to decorate and design these rooms.

  1. Using several small carpets with matching colors and patterns in different sections
  2. Choosing a carpet that fits only the front leg of the sofa
  3. Using warm colors for large rooms
  4. Dark colors are more suitable for large rooms and spaces
  5. Using carpets with floral and narrow patterns for large rooms
  6. Using 1.4 x 1.2 carpets in non-representative or distributed large spaces
  7. What are the effective tips for choosing a carpet and its dimensions?

Personal taste and preferences can play an important role in choosing a rug, but to ensure that your decor matches the rug you choose, you need to pay attention to important details.

* A complete guide to choosing the most suitable carpet for a child’s room

type of carpet

Carpet is one of those things that don’t need to be changed constantly, so choosing the right material for the space you use is very important. In high-traffic areas of the home, you should use carpets that will not lose their color and quality until they need to be replaced.

Carpet pattern

According to the size and space you have available, you can use carpets with different dimensions and different patterns. Carpets with vibrant patterns make the house look smaller and are not suitable for small apartments.


Color is one of the most important and vital factors after choosing the dimensions of the carpet. Light and neutral colors are suitable for small spaces, and for large rooms and spaces, it is better to use warm colors.

Carpet size

Choose the size of the carpet according to the place where the carpet will be used. The size of the carpetIt is a variety of carpet dimensions for places where furniture is used.

The right size of carpet for home - Carpet Rugs (1)

Factors that affect determining the size of the carpet

Space is one of the factors that affect the size and dimensions of the carpet, but it is not the only important factor.

  1. The area and size of the room where the carpet is to be used.
  2. Placement of objects and furniture in decoration.
  3. Decoration styles.
  4. Using the area where the carpet is placed.

Currently, many collections, including carpetnrugs.com, are ready to provide service and advice to carpet buyers with creative and expert staff. In addition to your interests, taste and desired style, when buying a carpet, you can make the best choice by getting the opinions of experts and considering the different sizes of the carpet.


Carpets play an important role in the interior decoration of Iranian homes. Choosing the right dimensions helps to make the interior of the house appear smaller or larger. The arrangement, color and dimensions of the room where the carpet is to be used affects the selection of the size and dimensions of the carpet.

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